Monday, November 29, 2004


一個日本公司安排了幾個中文課程在北京, 上海, 臺灣。我選了北京, 因為那個課有比較多天。可是, 每個課程最少應該有十個人。上星期, 那個日本公司告訴我, 北京的課程只有五個人註冊, 可是, 最後註冊那天是上星期五, 所以, 他們想等等, 看有沒有更多人註冊。
上星期五晚上, 那個公司給我打電話, 告訴我他們決定開那個北京的中文課, 雖然他們只有六個人。我很幸運!

我打算十二月二十三號到北京去。三十號, 那個課程結束, 可是, 我打算一月六號從北京回來。我打算上個人中文課, 還有, 在北京走走。我知道十二月的北京很冷, 還有, 我可能會寂寞, 因為我沒有朋友在北京, 可是, 我還是覺得有一點兒興奮! 那個旅行可能會很有意思 :)



作品の時間制限: 10分
応募資格: 国籍・キャリア問わず
応募締切: 2005年4月30日


Friday, November 26, 2004

Writing a blog ..

It's been about a month now since I started writing this blog. Wow! I didn't think I could continue to write this much.. :P I sometimes write my diary -- can I still call it diary even if I don't write everyday :-? -- and I've been using the same notebook for more than 3 years now. I only write when I'm really depressed or have full of energy or encounter something interesting -- people, words, anything..
I'm still not sure why I'm writing online now.
I'm not giving out this url to so many people. (very small numbers of people who I feel that I don't really mind letting know what I'm thinking about.)
But at the same time, I don't really mind if some other people just come, read and comment. (Is it contradicting? ;) I just don't feel like telling everybody that "I'm writing my thoughts! come and read them!!" because I would like to write personal thinking as much as possible and if I know there are some audience, I will probably change the style of writing. I'll limit what I write.. It doesn't mean I want to write something bad about certain people, but you know... It's different when you are singing in a shower by yourself or singing in front of people :) But as a nature of the web, I can't be naked I guess..

I was thinking if I continue to write, I'll find my style of writing or topics that I want to focus and maybe form a more structured blog, but I guess I need more time to figure that out.

I also wonder if it's better to write the same content in English, Japanese and Chinese. Some of my friends do that. But I can't really do that with my personality :P (too lazy...) If I write something in one language and try to write the same thing in other languages, I feel like I can't really express what I want to write. It becomes more like a homework which I "have to" do rather than I "want to" do.
I pick a language to use depend on my feeling at that time and just write. Of course, my Chinese is still pretty bad and I can't really write complicated things, so I write in Chinese much less than in Japanese or English. My English is not that good either and makes tons of mistakes, but still.. It's more comfortable to write in it.

Writing a blog... so far so good :D it's good because I need to output something from myself. Otherwise I'll explode. But if I want to be an artist, I should keep holding things inside myself and let them out in some sort of art form. A blog can be an art ?

Thursday, November 25, 2004


昨日は友達が夕飯を食べていくことになったから、ササッと家にあるもので料理を作った。そんな時は結構クリエイティブにならざるをえず、出来上がったのは、「Sweet potatoとリンゴとセロリのヨーグルトサラダ」「ドライトマトとツナと小松菜のパスタ」。どっちもはっきり言って、作りながら考えた初めてのレシピで、出来上がってまずまずの味だったので良かった〜。

食べ物を持ち寄ってパーティーをすると、時々「ヒーッ」と言って水を飲んでいる人を見かける :P


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

My Left Hand

There is a movie called "My Left foot" which I've seen a long time ago and liked very much. Daniel Day-Lewis starred in the movie and he became my favorite actor at that time. All of these movies I've seen when I was younger, I have to see them again. I'm sure I would feel differently if I see them now. I have more experience and (hopefully) got smarter now, so I guess I would understand or notice more stuff in a movie. But then, I'm probably losing a certain kind of susceptibility which you only have when you are young and my movie viewing will never be perfect anyway ;-?

Well, I wasn't thinking about writing about a movie...
My topic was my left hand -- I've been intensively using my left hand recently. Maybe I never used my left hand this much before in my life. I'm right-handed :)
I'm using my left hand now because I started playing a guitar and driving a motorcycle. In both activities, you use your left hand a lot and I can see my progress in using my left hand. Now I'm wondering if I use it a lot, my right brain will be stimulated and I become more creative :-?

There are quite a few left-handed people around me. Of course, I have more right-handed friends, but it seems like I have more left-handed friends compare to when I was younger. I wonder if Japanese schools still force the left-handed students to become right-handed (or make them be able to use both hands). Maybe not anymore...?
Anyway, in my personal opinion, most of the left-handed people that I know are relatively creative. .. Or it is just my prejudice against left-handed people and I assume they are creative :P well, either way.. it is still kind of fun to develop a part of your body and see the progress. I'm sure a part of my brain gets stimulated and it will have a good effect even if it doesn't lead to creativity ;P

Hmm... I'll do more research on a relationship between the left hand and creativity.

Sunday, November 21, 2004


昨日(正確には今日か。26:30スタートだったから、、)友達のGreggと「ハウルの動く城」を観た。でもね、、、ちょっと期待していたのと違った気がする。私は全ての宮崎作品は観ていないけれど、今まで観たものは好きだったから今回も結構期待していたのだ。悪くはないけれど、なんとなくストーリーが浅い気がした。ハウルとソフィーを中心としたストーリーと戦争が何だかあまり結びついていない気がして。。ハウルとソフィーの人物描写も今ひとつ引き込まれるところまでには至らず、いつもの宮崎作品で感じる感情移入みたいなものが起こらなかった。私、何か見逃してるのかな〜。。。かかしのカブ君好きだったけど:) ん、、何かちょっと物足りないという感じでした。皆はどう思ったかなー?


Saturday, November 20, 2004

Grumpy, bitchy, but finally happy :) my first ride

I got my SR on Thursday evening and today I took the first ride. My friend was teaching me how to ride and explaining all the little things about a SR. (He used to ride a couple of SRs.)

Starting the engine.... Hmmm... This kick start thing that I wrote about before is.... difficult! But actually, it wasn't as difficult as I thought. It took me a while to start up, but I thought after I understand a little trick, I would be able to start it up a bit more smoothly.
Anyway, my first half part of the day was just starting up the bike many many times.
When I finally successfully started up and start the bike, the engine stalled. And I had to start up again. Well, this was because I'm not used to using a clutch and either I let it go too fast or there wasn't enough gas to keep it going. Well, I guess I just have to learn it. Each bike is little bit different and after the engine stalls for another 100 times, I will be an expert ;P

After doing my kick start practice (well by that time, I was already becoming quite grumpy... I get grumpy when I can't do things. .. And the worse thing is I get bitchy when I'm grumpy. Sorry my kind teacher ;D), I drove near my house for a while. And after I got little bit used to driving, we took off a little drive to Ueno. From Meguro, we passed YGP (my office ;) and got to Roppongi dori and circled around the imperial palace where my friend took some pictures of me and got to Ueno. I bought a couple of things for my bike and we drove back.
On that drive, hmm... not sure how many times the engine stalled.. :P probably about 5 times. Driving is easy but when I have to drive slowly and stop and start, it gets more difficult. The engine stalled a couple of times at the places I really hoped it wouldn't stall ;P like when I was about to take a right turn! And at that time I was quite tired, grumpy and bitchy! (you all should stay away from me :P)

After the hard right turn, we dropped by a key store as it seemed like my bike key wasn't perfect. I have to jiggle the key little bit to lock/unlock the handle bar. The owner of the shop came out and checked my key and bike and told us that it's not the key which is a problem but the cylinder side has a little problem. But it's not a big problem and with pushing the key little further makes it work and it won't hurt the bike even if I use the key that way. He said it is a little character of the bike. He used to have a SR and he liked it because it has some character -- like a human. And he was telling me about how he liked the vibration the SR's engine makes. I've read about people talking about similar things and I think the people who ride SRs are a bit similar to Mac users. If you see somebody using a Mac, you feel like that person is a part of your group. (obviously, I'm a Mac user ;) And I felt a similar feeling from the shop owner being very friendly and telling me about how great SRs are.

Anyway, overall, it was a happy drive :D
Well, when I first drove my Cub, it was similar. I thought I never ever be able to drive. Now I can drive my Cub with high heels on no problem. Maybe after a while, I will be able to drive my SR with pin heels on :-? (which I probably never wear anyway .. ;P)

I haven't come up with the name for my bike. Right now, he is called "Urushi" temporarily.

Friday, November 19, 2004



feeling artsy ... fartsy

There are a couple of art/design exhibitions I want to check out..
November 20(Sat) - 23(Tue)
Laforet Museum Harajuku
*Somehow, I always miss this exhibition. Hopefully, I can go this time.

December 3(Fri) - 12(Sun)
Laforet Museum Harajuku
*This one .. is probably similar to RESFEST :-? We'll see....

[The Encounters in the 21st Century: Polyphony - Emerging Resonances]
~ March 21
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa

*I'm not sure about the Exhibition.. But I've read that the museum itself is pretty interesting and I just want to check out the architecture ;P
Although, their web site is pretty bad and now I'm wondering if I really want to go..

Novenmber 11- January 23
On Sundays

November 19(Fri) - 24(Wed)
Gallery Rocket

*The above two are the exhibits of kind of cute & funny design products.
I want a pigmug!


Wednesday, November 17, 2004


自分の図太さにちょっと感心 :-?

Monday, November 15, 2004


上星期六我買了一個摩托車。SR400 :)
 然後, 我跟我的朋友到我家附近的一家飯館。
那家飯館的名字叫"蒼龍唐玉堂"。我已經到過他們的六本木店。我差不多一個月以前看到目黑的店。 可是, 那家飯館跟我家太近, 所以, 我沒去。(我在那家飯館附近的時候, 我覺得回家吃飯比較好。)


我們進去那家飯館的時候, 有一個女廚師在那兒。

我的朋友問她, 她是那家飯館的女主人, 還是, 服務小姐。她不懂我的朋友的日文。她告訴我們她是中國人。所以, 我們用中文談了一會兒。她是從中國西部來的。我們不能多談, 可是, 我有的時候可以去那家飯館跟她說中文 ;) 我應該用功學中文!

Sunday, November 14, 2004

My SR400!


SRはカスタマイズする人が多くて、部品もいっぱい出回っているし中古車ショップに行くと、すでにカスタマイズされたモデルが売られている。私もいくつか見てみたけれど、とりあえず今回は最初のバイクということもあり、標準仕様のものにした。絶対何回か倒すだろうし:P 年式は98年のもので、まぁ今のモデルとそんなに変わらないのかな。


これが私のSR。これからタンクをBlackにしてもらう :)

Saturday, November 13, 2004


昨日の夜は、Yu-ChingとHiromiさんと一緒にDessert Companyで薬膳料理を食べた。前にデザートを食べにきたことはあるけれど、薬膳料理は初めてだ。おいしかった〜:D なおかつ、身体にいいものを食べて、ちょっと健康になった気もする。やっぱりもう少し食べるものに気を使おうと思った。







-- photos from dinner last night --



フルーツをふんだんに使ったサラダ。(秋果物五味子酢和) おいしかった、、。

しまった!と思う瞬間 その2


Thursday, November 11, 2004





Spartan guitar lesson..

Today, I had a little guitar lesson by a friend. He is more strict than my regular guitar teacher.. "Your arm is in a strange position! your nails are too long!! your fingers are not straight!!! practice! practice! practice!" ... phew... But actually, this style of teaching works for me sometimes ;) If the teacher is too nice, I tend to be lazy :P .. but I like to keep both nice and mean teachers.

Well, I should practice my guitar everyday and someday I'll have a guitar on my back and ride my motorcycle and set out on a wandering journey. That's my dream :P

Tuesday, November 09, 2004





幸せを感じる瞬間は毎日たくさんやってくる。空を見るとき。いい言葉に出会ったとき。ベッドに入ったとき。何かを創り出したとき。大好きな人といるとき。私の人生の中では、今のところ幸せな瞬間の方が悲しい瞬間よりも多い。かなり恵まれていると思う。でも、もう一つ何かone step次の段階に行けそうな気がする。もう少ししたら、何かが見えてくるかな。

Monday, November 08, 2004








Friday, November 05, 2004

Do you like drawing?

We've been working on some online-learning related projects and looking at a possibility of using Flash and XML. So, we've been looking at different Flash web sites.

Today, a co-worker sent the group a link of a flash drawing site. You can invite your friends and draw something together online in realtime, save the whole thing and send it to people. The people who got your work can see how you drew (as it is saved as a Flash animation) and after watching it, he or she can continue drawing on top of your drawing. It's kind of neat!

We were playing around with it a bit. (it is a fun part of the job ;)
And here is my primitive drawing.
(You need a Flash player 6 or 7, though.)

I sent this to my co-worker and this is what he did to my drawing!
He basically added an extra part to my drawing, so the first half is the same as above. He is so mean...

Well, I sent the same drawing to a couple of other friends and wondering what kind of drawing they will give back to me. It's kind of like a psychological test. I can see what kind of person who he/she is...? ;-P

Anyway, send me your version. I want to see ;)

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Why is Kewpie called Kewpie?

I was in Shibuya with a friend and we saw a bus with a big picture of a Kewpie doll on. Well, it was an advertisement of Kewpie Mayonnaise...
After that, we started talking about Kewpie and we both didn't know why it's called Kewpie.

So, I looked it up on the net and found that it's a baby-talk version of Cupid. Well, maybe everybody knows... but I didn't know... :P

"KEWPIE DOLL - was invented early in the twentieth century by one Rose O'Neill and had a vogue certainly rivaling that of the Teddy bear and the more recent 'Barbie.' Miss O'Neill chose the name as a baby-talk version of 'Cupid' and the first illustration was of a chubby baby fairy, complete with topknot." From the "Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins" by William and Mary Morris (HarperCollins, New York, 1977, 1988).

Now.... I have another question... Why Q.P. Corporation picked up the name Kewpie and it's character. In their corporate site, it says the founder Mr. Nakajima encountered marmalade and mayonnaise when he was studying in Britain and the U.S. and that's the start of their business. But it doesn't really say about Kewpie ...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004



Junさんには、ここ2-3年、撮影の仕事をしてもらっている。一番最初にJunさんに会ったのは、昔々Tokyo Journalでアシスタントデザイナーとして仕事をしていたとき。でも、そのときはほとんど面識がなかった。が、数年前、撮影の仕事があったときに、やはりTokyo Journal時代の友達からJunさんを紹介してもらって、仕事をお願いするようになった。







Monday, November 01, 2004


I watched two DVDs a couple of weeks ago.
One was "In the cut" and the other one was "Slam".

"In the cut" was directed by Jane Campion. I like her movies. I remember seeing "An angel at my table" long time ago. Although, I was probably too young to understand everything. I would like to watch it again now.
Anyway, the movie was OK. I liked the camera work and the movie has a sort of suffocating air a whole time which seems like this director's style. In the movie, Meg Ryan played a role as an English teacher. She writes down or memorize the words, sentences that caught her attention. She gets those words from an advertisement in a subway, the words one of her high school students spoken or whatever.
I liked that part. Those scenes kind of showed her character.

The other movie "Slam". I actually watched this a couple of times.
I don't think this is my most favorite movie, but I guess I like Saul Williams and listening to his poetry reading.
In the movie, he writes a word, a sentence in his notebook and create a massive piece of poetry. In his case, not like Meg Ryan's character, he writes his own words. Actually, Saul Williams is a poet as well as an actor, musician in real life.

Anyway, I picked these two movies for watching them in the same night and I thought even though these two movies are nothing really similar in many ways but have one point connected.. which was an appreciation for "words".
I also do appreciate words. I like reading books. I would love to learn more languages. And someday, I would love to be able to write some beautiful poems too ;) .. just being ambitious as usual...

Well, I got one of Saul Williams's books the other day. I listened to his poetry in the movie, but it's so fast that I couldn't understand the whole thing, so I wanted to really understand what he was saying.
And I liked the book. His poetry is strong and beautiful.
Some of his poetry comes from being an African-American in the States, so I guess I probably can't completely share his feelings. But I still like them and reading them gives me a peace of mind. or energy..

I wanted to get a book called "She" by him. But I can't find it. There is a version of the book with a CD and I want that version because I really like how he performs in reading. But they stopped printing and I tried Amazon's used books, but all of them in the list doesn't have a CD.
I actually ordered one but the sender just noticed that her version doesn't have a CD and she even didn't know it had a CD until she looked at the order sheet really closely. Anyway, I hope I'll find it someday and can enjoy it.