Saturday, January 29, 2005


My first brownie!

このAsante Sanaというカフェは、Community Tradeなどの商品などをおいていて、食べ物もorganic。ときどきランチに行くと、とってもまったりとした時間を過ごせる。

作り方覚えて、Valentine's dayにあげよう!と思ったんだけど、むむむ、、。

Asante Sana Cafe how to - 1
cafeの中。本や雑誌がおいてあり、食べながら読めるようになっている。 ブラウニー製造中 :)

How to - 3

Wrapping the brownie
出来上がったブラウニーをラッピングしてみる。猫ちゃんカードも作ってみちゃいました。誰にあげようかな〜。。ウッシッシ :P

Walking around in Tokyo

I had dinner with Stephan last night. We usually go to a Thai restaurant whenever we meet. We both love hot spicy food :)

We usually end up going to Ebisu or Omotesando area, but this time Stephan took me to a Thai & Vietnamese restaurant in ShinOkubo. Wow...I haven’t been to that area for a a long time and it was so fun.
ShinOkubo is a funny place. You almost feel like you are in a different country. You hear Chinese, Korean or some other languages (that I don’t even know) while you are walking around the streets. Very cool!

The restaurant we went to is “SomOO”.
Stephan says when he was there last time, the Beer Chang beer was 400yen, but it was 520yen this time.. (Stephi was a bit disappointed.. :P) But the food was great and I was quite happy.

somO yummy :)

After that, he was going to take me to an another Thai restaurant in the same area (not for more food but for a desert ;), but it was full and mama-san wasn’t there, so we decided to walk around towards Shinjuku. Here are some pics that I took.

A Thai Restaurant Outside Game Center? Cooking outside..
The restaurant we couldn't get in. / There was an outside? game center. It seems like a part of a parking lot, but whatever they do, it's a nice idea :) / These guys were cooking food outside.

There were a bunch of policemen (7-8 people) walking around checking if there were any crimes.. It seemed overcrowded.. too many policemen :P

pig Clean Shinjuku
a piggy in front of a ramen shop / “Clean Shinjuku”. It’s a very suggestive sign, isn’t it ;P

ShinOkubo – Shinjuku area at night is kind of interesting. So many interesting looking people, so many shops & restaurants... I should go out more :) Tokyo is such an interesting place.
As talking with Stephan who recently bought an new camera (Canon EOS 20D), I now really want that camera!! I would like to take some tokyo night pictures with it ;)

After we walked around, we stopped by a small shot bar in Shinjuku and had some drinks. And by the time we got to Meguro, we figured Stephan missed the last train, so we had another drink in Meguro.
Meguro also has many little restaurants (majority of them are ramen shops ;P) and there are some interesting looking places. I live in Meguro, but I don’t usually eat out or have drinks near my house (it seems more convenient to go home and have whatever I want.) . But with friends, I get to explore my neighborhood :)
Well, there are a couple of places we marked up, so we are going to try them next time.

Hmm... interesting places, good food, great friends... I’m so happy :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

An idea for a Valentine's day present?

It's not fair. In Japan, girls give chocolates (and/or presents) to guys on Valentine's day. Well, some girls give them and some guys get them :P

I saw these two "Chocolate Sushi" sites today. It's kind of funny because I've been subscribed to and today's topic was this Chocolate Sushi site and one of the web sites that I check sometimes also had this article about Chocolate Sushi. First, I thought they were talking about the same site but they were two different sites.
Hmmm... Was there a chocolate sushi conference or something :-?

Anyway, I thought they were kind of cute. I'm not sure if I can get them from Japan, but it could be a good present for Valentine's day :P

Oishiikanaa -- ?

Monday, January 24, 2005



そんな多穂ちゃんが、私の名前の総画も見てくれた :)
きゃ〜、変えたらboyfriend出来るかな〜 :P


Motorcycle Parking

I read an article about the new public motorcycle parking space in Shinagawa. You can park the motorcycle for 100yen/hour and the max price is 400yen which means even if you park your bike more than 4 hours, you just need to pay 400yen. The article also mentioned the similar one in Roppongi which opened in June 2004 and this one can take up to 120 motorcycles.
Here are some info about the motorcycle parking:

Now, some other places in Tokyo also looking into similar motorcycle parking spaces as there are more and more illegally parked motorcycles and until recently Tokyo-to never really looked at the problems. Most of the car or bicycle parking spaces don't allow motorcycle parking. So, people basically park their motorcycles anywhere possible.
I do that too :P -- gomennasai...

This article was interesting to me because recently it became very hard to park my bike near my office building. There are wide sidewalks around that area and people used to park their bikes there (the space was enough for parking and people walking). Now, there are cones everywhere and it's hard to park there. Some people (like myself ;) are sneaky and park the bikes at a small crack between cones. But on unlucky days, there is a guardsman tells me I can't park there. Well, right now, I found some space and so far no problems, but I'm just hoping that the situation gets better.
There is a toll parking lot but it's too expensive (8,000 yen/month = 96,000 yen/year) and that parking lot is actually full right now.

Well, I know I've been acting in a very self-centered way. I can just walk to work or ride a bicycle.. I guess. But motorcycles are so convenient and it seems like a huge space available...
The funny thing is even if they ban the parking in one area, those motorcycle riders find some other places to park and it's like a cat-and-mouse game. They have to have 100,000s of cones to cover up the whole area...(my friend and I call that place "coneland" now ;) They have to provide some other solutions ... free parking lots will be ideal ... ;)
But I guess it's not going to happen...I'll be a mouse for a while until I find a good legal parking lot.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Happy B-day :)

Today was my birthday and I had such a great day!
Starting out with... a super-duper present: iPod Mini!!!

My little iPod!

I had kept saying "I want an iPod, I want an iPod..." ..almost like chanting and I finally got it ;-P (if I keep saying what I want, will I get it? -- ok.. I'll be less greedy :P) Anyway, thank you so much, Bungy!

And I got a birthday cake :) so nice! I really love people that I work with! They are super cool.

At night, we went out to Golden Burning in Roppongi.
It was a nice place and food was great.
Well, more than anything, spending time with great friends was the best thing!
Yu-Ching, Hiromi-san and Nao, thank YOU so much!! love you all :@

Golden Burning, good food and beautiful girls :P

Yu-Ching took us to this café -- they make very artistic cappuccinos --.
They made a special one for me which said "Happy Birthday" with a guitar!
That was because I just started taking guitar lessons and Yu-Ching, Hiromi and Nao gave me a super great present -- music stand! -- and we chatted little bit about it with a person in Café. Such a great service!

They are amazing!

Music stand nicely wrapped by Nao :) We have to have a "hikigatari" concert!

So, overall, it was a great b-day.
Getting old is kind of scary.. but I can see good things too.
I feel I'm wiser (hopefully) than before. More confident. I'm still pretty self-centered, but less self-conscious :-}

Hmm... I have sooo many things that I want to do and I better hurry-up! Life is short.







Sunday, January 16, 2005









脳みそネタ好きなんだー :D





Queens Towerの中にあるConde Houseという家具のお店に行ったのだけど、とても素敵な家具がたくさんあった。天然の木を使ってて、木の良さを出したシンプルなデザインだ。家具作りも、大変そうだけどやってみたい職業の一つだなぁ、、。(やりたいことが増える一方だ :P)

Saturday, January 15, 2005


またフラれちゃいました (T_T)



前から欲しい欲しいと思っている猫ちゃんのことでした〜 ;D



Wednesday, January 12, 2005

What is different...?

Today was the first day of work this year! not bad ;)
It was hard to get up, but rather than that things were stable. I had to go through massive numbers of emails -- most of them just deleted.

I'm now getting back to a Tokyo life -- staying up late.. being in front of a computer for too many hours... I still think twice before I flush the toilet though -- I have to think.. can I flush the toilet paper.. :-?

Now I'm trying to think about the differences between Beijing and Tokyo with my very limited experiences..
hmm... It's hard..
A couple of things that I thought it was interesting were...

1) (young) men and women show affection in public.
I've noticed this when I went to Shanghai last year as well. My prejudiced view of China was more conservative and I was amazed to see people just kissing and hugging on streets, in trains, etc. Well, we (hmm.. some people :P) do that in Japan but it seems more people do that in China.
I was in Peking University and met a Japanese girl who is planning to study for a year and been there since last September. She told me she also noticed how affectionate those Chinese couples are and wanted to figure out why. She asked one Chinese guy friend and he told her that since they usually live in a dormitory room with other people (4 people), they really want to be close to their boyfriend/girlfriend when they can.
hmmm... yeah... it makes sense?

2) Girls hold hands when they walk.
It is not only in China, but you see girls holding hands when they walk together. I first thought it is kind of cute and they only do that with their close friends, but then I had a one-day school event which each foreign student hang out with a Chinese student and walk around the city in Beijing (to practice Chinese). A student that I went out with was a girl and as soon as we started walking together, she just held my hand and we were like that almost all day.
At the beginning, it felt a bit awkward (since she was smaller than me, I felt like I was a guy... and chotto dokidoki shita! Now I know how guys feel .. ;P) but after a while, I got used to it and it was kind of nice. (maybe I'll do that from now on .. !? ;P)

well, there are more things to be noted, but I thought these were kind of interesting.
I felt that people get closer together in China than in Japan. I don't know how to call it... "personal space"? ... you keep a certain space between people (for example, if you stand next to a person within 50cm, you feel you are too close to people, etc.), and it seems this distance is shorter in China. hmm.. Well, there must be some study about it, but it was just my impression...

There are a lot to learn about China...
I need to be there longer to really figure out other interesting stuff.. ;)

Friday, January 07, 2005



大家、新年好 :)
昨日北京から帰ってきました。2週間の北京はとっても楽しかったよ :)
気温は大体毎日-4 から -10度ぐらいで、外で売ってるみかんを買って部屋に戻って食べたりすると、昔給食に出た冷凍みかん状態になっている。帽子とかマフラーとか手袋って東京だとほとんどファッションにすぎない感覚になってくるけれど、北京では、これら防寒小物の真の効果がわかった。(君達、本当に偉い!あったかいよ〜っ ;P)


ま、それが今回の旅の目的だったわけだけど :)


まず、このグループの面々だけど、、12/23(クリスマス前だよ〜)にわざわざ寒い北京に来て中国語の勉強するっていうんだから、もう、変な人しか集まらないでしょう? で、本当に変な人々の集まりだったよ。;P
な〜んて、みんな面白い人達だった。普段の私の生活では会えないタイプの人達だから(お互いにそう言い合ってたんだけど)、こういう語学勉強でのつながりって面白いな、と思う。彼らとは東京でもまたつるんで遊べそうだから、今回の一つの収穫かな? 友達は大切だ〜!



仕入れたDVDの一枚はこの「功夫」(中国語でのタイトル)で、早速昨日チェックしてみたけれど、予想どおり映画館で放映されたものをビデオ撮りしたものだったからQuality悪かった。(だって、中国でも12/23公開だったのにこんなに早くしかも安くDVD出るわけないじゃんね ;P)

ちゃんと映画館に見に行こうっと! :D