Sunday, December 19, 2004






Monday, December 13, 2004

Why is Murasakiimo purple?

originally uploaded by yuki :).
I'm testing, so uploaded a bunch of pics that I took on last Saturday.
I went to my grandmother's 7-kaiki (I don't know how to say it in English), but basically, it's been 7 years since my grandmother passed away and we visited her tomb and said hey ;) (She was very genki!)
Well, I can't believe 7 years passed since then.
The next ceremony will be 13-kaiki and the next will be the 17-kaiki. I guess we have this tradition not just for respecting the ancestors but also for the opportunities for family gathering.

Anyway, after this ceremony, my parents took everybody to a restaurant near my parents' house. The restaurant is called Soumonkyoraisou (草門去来荘) and I didn't realize when I was there but today I found out that it is one of Kiwa corporation's restaurants. (They have a bunch of nice restaurants).

The restaurant was built in a huge bamboo bushes and it's very old looking and interesting. The food was good too :)
We all ate too much.

At the end, they served a desert made of Murasaki-imo. It was yummy!
But while I was eating it, I started wondering why it is purple...
There must be some reasons it is purple, isn't it? Like any kind of evolution, the stronger DNA will survive .. :-?
Anyway, I started acting like a kid and kept asking my parents "Why is it purple?" "Why there are purple cabbages as well? Why is it like this? and that? .."
Hehe.. It's fun to act like a kid sometimes. But my parents didn't know the answer... I have to search it by myself as I'm an adult ;P

OK... I tested's publishing function. It is not so bad, but not much control and I can't preview the post... The Japanese didn't show up correctly.
I also don't know how to change the order of the photos when I upload them... Hmmm...
I'm editing this post at

Friday, December 10, 2004




昼時は本当はそこに上がって欲しくない雰囲気だけど(わざわざ上に食事運ばなきゃならないからね)、「いいですか〜?」って聞くと大体「どうぞ〜。」と言って通してくれる。味の方は、、、う〜ん、、普通 :P


後は、新しい友達出来たし、バイクの免許も取ったし、ギターも少し弾けるようになって、年末は中国だ :D

しかし、一つだけ達成出来なかった目標がある、、。2年前のクリスマスから約束してたのに、、。Yu-Chingとひろみさんは知っている、、。これは来年引き続き頑張るよ ;P

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


最近家の中にある植物の花が開き始めた。何か寒くなってきたときに花が咲いてくれると、とっても嬉しい :D

(遅すぎ :-?)

People's psychological behavior ..?

I'm keeping a Gripmaster (I guess it is a product name but I don't know how to call it... It's a tool to strengthen your fingers ;-?) on my desk at work. I borrowed it from Nao and I've been keeping it for a long time. Trying to use it now and then to strengthen my fingers to become a great guitarist ;P

I just noticed recently that people come to my desk and talk to me grab this gripmaster and use it while they are talking to me. They don't really realize what they are doing and after finishing the conversation, they just put it back where it was and leave. I was also not noticing it, but the other day, I saw this gripmaster in somebody's hand and since then I started seeing people doing this.
It's similar to people doodle while they are on the phone. People may feel comfortable when they use hands while they are talking... :-?

But a funny thing is only guys do that so far. Well, maybe less women come to my desk, so it's a bit hard to analyze it, but I thought it was kind of interesting.
Something like a gripmaster is more grabable by men?
Hmm... I'll investigate people's behavior more... :-}

I shouldn't forget to clean the gripmaster before I return it to Nao... It is going to be a full of germs.. ;P (gomen!)

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


I'm feeling a bit weird. 嫌な「変さ」ではなくて、いい感じだけど。

一つはたぶん、いつも聞かない音楽を聞いていたから。ギターのレッスンで、最近は1時間基本的なことを練習して、後の1時間を何か曲を練習するのに使っている。で、その曲っていうのは、先生が楽譜持っていて、しかも私のレベルで弾けるものだから、結構限られている。所謂Popというのだろうか、、Bryan AdamsとかEric Claptonとかね。Best Hit 〜 みたいなのに出てくるような、皆聞き覚えのある曲達だけど、私が普段聞かない曲達。今はEnrique IglesiasのHeroとRonan KeatingのWhen you say nothing at allというのを練習してる。






みんな大好き。ありがとう :D

Friday, December 03, 2004


今日は会社のXmas partyがあった。毎年この時期にあるのだけど、これがあると、あぁ、、もう一年終わるんだ、と思う。んん、、でも実は今年はあんまり実感がないなぁ。何だか忙しくて、時間を意識することが出来ない。

一 応、lotteryみたいなのがあって、一等があたると飛行機のチケットがあたったりすることもあるのだけど、今まで一度ももらったことないな。今年こそ は、、、といつも思うのに、5年いて今だに何もあたらない。はぁ〜、5年、、ん?すでに6年目に入ったか。長いね。んん、、これからどうするかね。。

------photos from the Xmas party -----

Phil & me. Philはもう、お勧め物件だよ!頭いいし、やさしいし、バイオリン弾けるし。ってなことを言ってるといつも余計なお世話だって言われちゃうけど、、。(しかもこんなところに写真を載せられているとは、本人も知らなんだ:P)

girls.. Hiromi, me, Nan and Taho :)


My girls...彼女達何をしているのでしょう?
実 は「つむじ」の話をしていて、「私2つ、つむじがあるんだよ。ココとココ。」って言ってるところ。「つむじ」って英語で何ていうの?っていう話してたんだ けど。あ、でも、その元は、誰かさんの後頭部がちょっと怪しくなっていて、これはつむじが大きいだけだよねって言いたかったんだ。

Thursday, December 02, 2004

a movie day

The price of a movie ticket is 1,000 yen on the first day of every month.
It's not because of that, but my friend and I went to see a movie tonight.

It was a good movie. It's not an entertaining movie, but it's based on a true story and I think it was well done. I don't know the details of the real story, but made me want to find out more about him (Stephen Glass). I don't really understand why he had to lie and make up stories. He seems smart enough to be successful without doing all that. But I guess he was very very ambitious that he didn't want to be just a "good" writer, but wanted to be a "super great" writer all the time. And he likes to please people and once he realized that he could please readers by writing a great story even though it was fabricated, he got addicted.. Many people probably want to be that way (being very special and admired by people). I want to be a special person as well, but I wouldn't want to be special if I have to lie. It would be very stressful.
In the movie, he tries to cover up what he lied about and you get tense by just watching it. It's so obvious that he is lying but he never gives up. (it was making me nervous during the movie ;)
Why did he have to do that?

My friend says there are millions of people who are like him in real life. If those people are in a industry like journalism, they get caught like him. Many people like to brag about things and make up stories and make them look good and entertain people around them. Hmm... maybe it's true...
Well, to a certain extent, everybody does that. You sometimes want to impress people by saying things a bit exaggerated -- especially when you want to impress people you like ;P

I guess some people go too far at that end...
But where is the border line..?

My friend cooked for me tonight :)
Meat! beans! potatoes!... real American food..?