Meeting a soul mate
I met my soul mate.
Ok... It’s not true...
I met a person who my friend thinks he could be my soul mate :P
Well, my friend Rachel likes to match make people.
Although, .... her success rate in matchmaking is so far 0% :P
Also, she doesn’t really like my ex-boyfriend nor anybody who I was interested in the past (well, the number of people I was interested in is very small because it’s hard for me to find/meet someone I like .. :-{ ..) and she thinks I have strange taste in men... :@ So, you see how the result goes.
Anyway, she usually tells me something like “he is nice. You would like him...”, but this time, she was more excited and telling me “I really believe he will be your soul mate!! You should see him!”
Haha... but again, I know how it goes, so I wasn’t expecting anything, but I was more curious to see what kind of person he will be. It’s kind of interesting to see a person who my friend thinks could be my soul mate. That will tell a bit about how my friend sees me.
So.... what kind of person was he...?
He was a very very nice person -- a long-haired hippy artist type. Smart and gentle :)
Yes, I like hippies.. I like artists..
... he wasn’t my soul mate :-{
I tried to think “why not” ..... and this is more general thinking and nothing specific to this person that I met ;)
I guess I like a flexible person who doesn’t fit in one category.
It’s a bit hard to explain, but... if I could easily put somebody in one category, then, that person is probably too much for me... For example, if I meet someone who looks like a hippy and if this person acts, talks, thinks like a hippy person that I kind of predict, then... I feel this person may not be so flexible. I can’t imagine this person will accept different ideas, values, a way of thinking, or even a type of food he/she eats, if those things are out of the category he/she is in. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s the feeling I get.
I like a kind of person who likes organic food but also can go to McDonald’s and eat french fries with me. :P I don’t know if this is a good example, but basically someone who can try different things.
Well, I guess being flexible is probably not a hard criteria. There are a lot of flexible people out there...
But I also like nerdy type of people who have their opinions and policies on certain things and this may a bit contradict with “flexibility” :P
Hmm.. I guess it just needs a balance...
Well, my soul mate searching will be continued...
I don’t know how other people could find their soul mates... How could you :-? ....
你太完美! 过度完美...
就了解 ""Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man" 的中庸道理...
你真是太好啦! 个知识分子天使! 啊!
但是, a soulmate only exists if you encourge him or her to exist in your mind right? No one else can tell you who that person is, or how to find that person.
真的吗? I thought a soulmate will just appear in front of you suddenly and you fall in love.. :P haha... OK, I guess it doesn't work that way...'s true that I'm not encouraging my soulmate to exist in my mind... I don't even know what/who I'm looking for... I guess that's why I can't meet him... 頑張ります。谢谢 :)
我有個朋友人、she always says she has finally met her fact it happened three times in her 37 short years of life. She finally divorced the last one. Either she is a dreamer, or she has is destined to have many soulmates in this lifetime.
Hmm... Maybe it’s true that there are more than one soulmate in your lifetime.
People change and the type of love you have with one person changes. It doesn’t mean “love” disappears but it becomes a different type of love.
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