Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Generation Y is... lazy ..?

I've been reading a series of articles about “Generation Y”. It's on the evening version of Nikkei.
It's kind of interesting. Today's article was about how Generation Y in Japan favors “convenience & ease” -- I don't know how to translate but they like “楽ちん” things.

Nikkei had a opinion poll (1,031 people answered). There were 11 options of “dream technologies” and asking them to pick which technology they hope it would be available in 20 years from now.
Generation Y picked:
No.1: transporter (瞬間移動) 36.1%
No.2: space travel 30.6%
No.3: Time machine 21.9%

People who are in their 30s picked also the same items, but the percentage is equally divided (30-31% each).
The article says Generation Y is accustom to Convenience stores, Keitai and internet and they are more interested in getting things/doing things easily (and less interested in going somewhere far away like outer space).
(I’m not sure if this makes sense... doesn’t 瞬間移動 also allow people going somewhere far away.. :-?)

The article also mentioned a couple of popular things among these Generation Y people which shows their “楽ちん志向” (preferring the convenience/ease?)

かかとケア ルームシューズ
You put some special film contains mineral oil, urea, etc. inside these room shoes and by just wearing them exfoliates the dead skin cells out of your feet and make your feet beautiful :)
The selling point is you don't have to do anything special. You just need to wear shoes.

出前館(demaekan) is also popular and when they started the service works for Keitai, the number of users who are in their 20s became more than 50% of total users.

They use Keitai to order some delivery food (pizza, bento, etc.) before they go home and just after they get home, the nice & hot food will be delivered. They can skip going to a convenience store and save time.

Hmm... I wonder if these are something special to only generation Y... It doesn’t seem so special... Does it mean I am also in generation Y? :P (違うね ;)


At 8:30 PM, Blogger yuki said...

Generation Yは、16才〜25才ぐらい、と書いてあるときもあるし、10代後半から20代、みたいなくくりで書かれていることもあるみたい。
Yu-Chingはギリギリ、Generation Yか、、、?

あなたはGeneration Tですね。Generation "Tired". 休んでよし!

At 12:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean if I'm over 40 I can't be a generation Y-er? But I like convenience and I feel like a Y-er! ;-(


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