
I always wanted to get a cat.
But I was a bit afraid of commitment :-P and also even when I was determined to get one, it has been unlucky and there were a few times that I called the people who wanted to give away cats but the cats that I wanted were already taken by someone else.
Last Thursday, gege and I were thinking about going to the Apple store just to check what they have.
I wasn’t thinking about cats at all, but we took a different road from what we usually take and just saw a sign for a pet shop. If we were in a hurry, we probably wouldn’t have stopped there, but it was a holiday afternoon and we had time, so we stopped by without any expectations.
However.... we met her.... A cutie who is about 2.5 months old, has beautiful eyes and a short nose and intelligent forehead. (chotto oyabaka kana...)
Anyway, the owner of the pet shop was sneaky enough to let us play with this kitten and of course, we had to take her. :-P But I’m glad that I took her :) She is the best cat that I’ve ever seen!
I gave her two names so far. Yoda and Racco. Yes, Yoda is coming from Star Wars and it’s probably not good for a girl’s name... but her face looks like Yoda sometimes when she is in a thoughtful mood. And “Racco” comes from raccoon and that is because her fur looks like raccoon’s. I’ll give her more names and see which one is the best.
Now, Racco is sleeping on my lap and I can’t move. (I wanted to upload some cuter photos of her that I took today, but can’t get my camera... )
Since Racco came to my house, I’m learning to be more patient... I can’t really move much while she is sleeping on my lap or chest. She nibbles my earlobes and purr right next to my ears when she goes to sleep at night, but I let her do that even though it’s hard for me to go to sleep like that. If she is happy, I’m happy :)
Hmm... I’m spoiling her.

猫子们--尤其是还没定型的小幼稚的猫--非调教而检束纠绳不可. 要好好的调教啊! 不要一直溺爱宠坏呀!
嘿!听说你还有些恐龙们.. 你是不是现在骑恐龙? 据说,你坐在恐龙的长脖子....好像有人看了你坐恐龙的照片....
Yes, I aggree with the previous commenter; if the other photos are really cuter, then you should post them soon, because first impressions are lasting, so readers will tend to always under-appraise Racco's cuteness forever and ever, just because they didn't see the best photos at the start....
Yes, I also agree with that comment, it's better to clear up this dinosaur rumor before it gets out of hand. You need a "sunshine" policy--i.e. let the truth be known!
Hey! Where are those better pics of Racco you said you have? Has Racco been incapacitating you for the past several days!?
Uploaded more pics of Racco:
你的可爱的亲爱的"辣寇"怎样? 很久不听辣寇的消息....日子如梭光阴似箭.....
"辣寇"!? 应该是"喇口"才适合的! 听说那只她想喇叭一直做声啊!
渺小而微细的刺耳的迷你喇叭! 哈哈!
嘿! 喇口最近怎样? 还没有喇口的录影吗? 焦躁心急殷切在等待啊!
Hey! How's Raquo?
Hé ! J'ai entendu que Raquo a été silencieux pendant un grand nombre de jours…. naturellement, nous avons des problèmes avec des rioters musulmans ici en France, mais nous sommes également très pleins d'espoir pour entendre de nouvelles nouvelles au sujet de Raquo !
In Deutschland auch wir sind in der großen Furcht, daß Rakko nicht in der gutgesundheit ist und fortfahrend mit ihrer sprightly biologischen Entwicklung, da wir hoffen, daß Gott sicherstellt, geschieht. Alle wir sind, die für Rakkos gute Gesundheit und Glück beten!
그렇습니다! 우리가 야수쿠니 신사를 방문해 일본 right-wingers 및 민족주의자에 관하여 성나도, 우리는 아직도 Racco가 건강에 아직도 다는 것을 근실하게 희망하는 충분한 인류가 있다. 우리는 또한 당신의 중대한 blog를 대단히 즐기고 당신을 증가 당신의 기입 희망한다!
Aquí en España, hacemos que todos oigan que el su jugar de la guitarra del flamenco está haciendo gran progreso, así que somos en la gran expectativa que usted pronto nos honrará con una visita para perfeccionar su maestría de la guitarra y también quizás para aprender nuestra lengua española querida. Así pues, esperamos que esta perspectiva no sea prevenida por un acontecimiento tal como un problema de salud de su gato encantador. Somos todos muy impresionados con Raqo aquí en España, pues aquí no tenemos ninguna gatos que sean incluso media como hermosa… ¡Espero que usted comience a escribir otra vez pronto! ¡El dios le bendice!
جدّا يصحّ وسيبقى يصحّ وسعيدة ل [أس لونغ س] يريد إلهة. باسم الله الكريمة ، يتمنّى نحن أنت الجيّدة
Maybe she's too busy with Racko to ever post posts in GreenTangerine again..... :(
Now it's been 17 days since a post! ah! What a 懒惰鬼!
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