My first little accident

Yesterday, I had my first little motorcycle accident.
I didn’t get hurt. Juts a few scratches on my right foot. My bike is OK too. Need a little bit of fixing but it’s minor fixes and I can drive the bike now no problem.
What happened was..
I was on the way to work in the morning. It was still early so no much traffic. There was a car in front of me and he stopped. So I stopped. And then, suddenly he started backing towards me.
For a moment, I thought he was backing a little and changing a direction but he actually kept coming towards me. He didn’t see me and he didn’t check what’s behind him.
Now what should I do. I can’t back my motorcycle. There was no space on the side. I need to honk at him. Then it was a problem. I never used my horn with my motorcycle and I couldn’t find where the horn was for a few seconds. And in that few seconds, he was already hitting my motorcycle.
I was in a way ready for that, so I jumped off from the motorcycle and I had to let my bike fall.
I felt so stupid not knowing where the horn was...
I guess I’m a horn-phobia. I don’t know if that is because I was told not to use horns so many times at the driving school (I often accidentally used the horn because it was very close to the turn signals and when I wanted to stop the signal, I pressed the horn instead :P) or I don’t liked to get honked at. (I hate when people do that for not enough reasons.)
Well, I learned the lesson. Now I know where the horn is and I should use it once in a while so I can use it when I really need it.
In a way I was lucky. If I was in a similar situation where I was actually driving, then I would get hurt.
So, I should thank for that :)
That is one thing I hate...inconsiderate people who don't look all sides before taking an action. This is true in driving and in living life in general.
Where is this guy!? I will teach him a lesson by backing my motorcycle into the front of his car! bwaaahahaahaa!
Seriously though... as a young teenager, I was once sitting in my parents' car behind a large american-style yellow schoolbus....... suddenly, the bus began backing up towards me (evidently my sporty car was too low to be seen over the bus seats etc., and I panicked and backup up onto the sidewalk rather than honking, although luckily I didn't hit any nice motorcycles on the sidewalk! So, you're not the only wimpy hornaphobe in the world, but hornaphobes must reform quickly if they want to survive, so you must learn to love your horn. Even if you don't think honking matches your previoius personality.... you must honk! Think of it as a form of self expression, like singing.
Thank you. I will 気をつけます!
The guy is going to pay for the repair of my motorcycle which is not that expensive.
Going through the process is kind of interesting since I’ve never than this. Although, I hope I don’t have to do this again :P
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