Thursday, January 05, 2006

Racco got a present :)

Santa Clause finally made it and Racco got a present.
She doesn’t really know what it is and quite curious about it and helped me assemble her present.


It is actually a water fountain :)
And now she is smelling the water...


Next. Touching it or... Washing her hands?


Finally drunk some :) hehe....


Now the box is also used as her toy house.
Thank you, gege Santa!!



At 6:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, is Santa Clause a lawyer who is attentive to legal clauses? Or do you mean Santa Claus?

Also, how does RC like her new fountain? Is she still using it?? Does she put leaves etc. in the fountain??

At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heey! How does RC like her new fountain? Is she still using it?? Does she put leaves etc. in the fountain??

At 3:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Racco liked the fountain, Y would have written about it! Y hasn't written anything because she's too nice to tell you about the sad story of how Racco rejected the new drinking fountain! It's obvious! So don't be pushy!


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